January 14th, 2016

JFK, New York.

And then it was us, and then we were off. Packed and strapped and checked out of our New York hotel home. It’s official, we are beginning our trip! So, of course, on the very last morning we finally find somewhere that still serves eggs after eleven. In fact, they serve up breakfast all day… how ever did we miss this place before?

There is an appeal in these bustling streets I don’t remember feeling last time I was in this wild city. Is it a factor of spending so much time on my own, out in the world, the wilderness, the desert? Is it my inner and quashed city girl emerging? I’ve always had a thing for the bright lights. All gone now though, we are at the gate waiting for our flight, I have said my goodbyes to the city and my friend, and though I may return again, most likely she will be gone. There is nowhere lonelier than a city where you have no friends.
Thank goodness for big, sprawling, everywhere families.

I hope for rest on the flights, and hope I do not hope in vain. I need sleep, as evidenced by the paragraph of rambling I just removed.

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